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General Health

Osteoporosis and Scurvy: The Role Vitamins and Nutrients Play in Bone Health

The word on the street is that osteoporosis is due to a lack of calcium or need for ...

Vitamin B: A Superhero Without a Cape

If there was one single vitamin that we could label a superhero, it would have to be vitamin ...

An Orange A Day Might Keep the Doctor Away!

Aside from being sweet, juicy and delicious, science is confirming that oranges have some pretty amazing health benefits ...

Avoiding the Superbugs

Antibiotics were lifesavers when first used during WWII. They kept our soldiers from dying of sepsis or other ...

3 Wintertime Immune-Boosting Strategies

We know the feeling all too well: a slight headache, a twinge-like feeling in the sinuses, muscle aches, ...

Start With a Morning Plan!

Is it time to hit the refresh button? When it comes to maintaining your health, sometimes ‘life happens’ ...

Is Your Blood Test Really Normal?

Have you ever gone to your medical doctor and had your blood work done, only to be told ...

Is Coconut Oil Bad For Your Heart?

Coconut oil has been a holy-grail of sorts for holistic enthusiasts everywhere. From assistance with hair growth to ...

3 Ways to Protect Your Eyesight

Our eyes are overused and underappreciated. Computer screens, televisions, and cell phones can all lead to eye fatigue ...

5 Benefits of Sweating

Very few people wake up in the morning, excited about getting their sweat on. Social conventions don’t look ...

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