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5 Non-Toxic Products for Every Home

Most of us aspire to having a home free of toxic chemicals, but a quick trip to the health food store makes that dream come crashing down. Shelves full of ‘all natural’ products, which basically means nothing, leaves the best of us feeling defeated and willing to defer the decision to another day. But today’s […]
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3 Places to Clean Every Week

A home that is really lived in is bound to get dirty. Aside from the visible clutter that seems to accumulate as a result of our need for ‘things and stuff,’ dirt, bacteria, and other unwanted guests can, over time, make our home their home. There are three specific areas that often get overlooked but […]
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The Health-Disrupting Chemical You Can’t Avoid

On any given day, you and I are exposed to a laundry-list of toxic chemicals that can be found in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat and inside our homes and offices. These man-made chemicals have no business being in our environment nor in our bodies but unfortunately, they […]
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Do Trees Need Probiotics Too?

Most of us wouldn’t dispute the benefits of trees to human life—oxygen, fruits and nuts, paper, wood, and housing just to name a few. They even help us pull pollutants from soil, and researchers are exploring ways to eco-consciously benefit from trees’ ability to do this through their natural cycle, as well as increase the […]
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