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5 Fun, Healthy Ways to Make the Most of The Crisp Fall Days

Work. Errands. Hustling your kids (or yourself!) to your next To Do item. With all that busyness, it’s easy for the fall season to slip away, missing all the wonderful sights and smells of the cooler season. To honor some of our national favorite experiences, we’ve put together a list of five amazing ways to […]
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4 Ways to Be Mindful This Christmas

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” The lights are twinkling, the hot cocoa is poured, and you’re cozied up to a warm fireplace with your loved ones. For many, this is a season of family, laughter, and celebration. But, it’s also a time of year that can get even the jolliest of us […]
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How to Turn Holiday Overwhelm Into Delight

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”  The lights are twinkling, the hot cocoa is poured, and you’re cozied up to a warm fireplace with your loved ones. For many, this is a season of family, laughter, and celebration. But, it’s also a time of year that can get even the jolliest of us stressed […]
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Laughter is Good Medicine

Laughter is good for the soul, they say. But, did you know it’s also good for the body as well? Research continues to discover the many ways the simple act of laughing can not only improve our mood, but also help reduce physical illnesses, and improve overall quality of life. How exactly does laughter work […]
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