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Simple Homemade Paleo Cranberry Sauce


3 cups whole cranberries, fresh or frozen

¾  cup 100% orange juice

¾  cup organic coconut palm sugar

¼  teaspoon cinnamon

Pinch nutmeg

Optional add-ins:

ginger allspice, orange zest for extra flavor



  1. Add cranberries, orange juice and coconut sugar to a medium saucepan over medium heat on the stovetop.
  2. Stir gently, bringing the cranberry mixture to a boil (about 5-10 mins), then lower the heat to a simmer and allow to cook 5-10 more minutes, stirring and scraping the sides occasionally to prevent the sugar from burning. Once most of the cranberries have burst and the sauce has thickened (it will thicken quite a bit while cooling as well), remove from heat.
  3. Stir in cinnamon and nutmeg or other spices as desired. Allow the sauce to cool for about 15 minutes in saucepan. Once it's no longer too hot to handle, transfer to a glass container, cover, and refrigerate. Or, if serving immediately, cool to desired temperature first.
  4. Cranberry sauce can be reheated and served as a side dish or topping, or used in other recipes. Store leftovers in a covered container in the refrigerator. Enjoy!


Yields 1 ¾ cup

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